Monday, July 13, 2009

Ironic Poem

So its been said our country's in a recession
Yet some still buyin' Hummers and diamonds
Where is the lesson?
Love and hate.
Composed of so many traits.
Happiness anger.
Joy and stress.
The two cause you to express.
Cause you to confess.
Passion is where they meet.
Brought together by feelings, stress, and worry of defeat.
Their differences are their similarities...this is a one way street.
The world before our very eyes has become so corrupt.
Hard work and dedication have lost their value.
We must interrupt.
Daily heroes going unrecognized.
Receiving next to no pay.
Hollywood stars being mesmorized
Gaining dollar bills in every shape, form, and way.
That's up to you to say.

1 comment:

  1. This is wonderfully insightful and touching. Something all the "contemporary world" should read!

    Red River Son
