Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Shit in Life

Everyone has their shit.
It's just how life is.
One big test of character that asks
Are you too legit to quit?
Everyday we face new obstacles.
Some bring anger
Others a flow of tears.
Everything happens for a reason
So don't be afraid, face your fears.
The shit in life is what completes us.
Agree or disagree
Its true for you
And also for me.
We all have those moments.
In which we feel like we've reached our 
boiling point.
Over it...said and done
Life is too short for bullshit
Go out and have some fun.
The shit in life is our drive.
Why should we suffer?
Call the news crew, let's make this change live.
The shit in life is seen in only one way.
An ongoing issue.
Although we learn a new lesson from it everyday.
Fight till the very end like the soldier in Iraq.
Live life freely 
With no regrets to give back.
We only live once.
Remember to keep that in mind.
So stop dwelling on the bullshit in life
And happiness and freedom is what you will find.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Deep Down

Deep down inside we all have things we
Secrets never to be told
Memories of which we wish we could let
go like a stain erased by Tide.
We all have a past.
Good or bad
It's what has made our lives last like jeans
designed by William Rast.
Everyday we learn new things.
Whether we are aware of them or not.
Sadly some things leave you feeling
Some say the truth is a lie.
Its all in how you look at it
And respond to its meaning.
Sometimes its too much to handle
Too much to take in.
Lies for years here and there.
Feelings hurt
Respect dismantled
Sometimes hearing the truth is too hard
to bare.
We hold onto the ones we love because
we care
Whether or not they cross the line
You can't let them go like your favorite
tee shirt you always wear.
But in the end
We must do what's right for us.
Follow our hearts
And face the fact that this here lifelong
issue is too deep down to fix or mend.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


From the very beginning we have been 
told the background of dedication.
The walk way to success and the steps
of drive and passion.
This is the word known none other than
The force that will not let us quit.
The one that keeps our eyes on the 
prize and our heads held high.
The source of power that will never let
us doubt or think negatively.
The one that no matter where we go in
like will never let us put to shame where
we come from and no matter what will
never let us forget.

Monday, July 13, 2009


Anything can happen.
At any moment or time.
Very quickly or suddenly slow.
Even at the drop of a dime.
One day good
The next misunderstood. 
All we can do is pray 
And have hope and faith 
That the days to come will be okay.
Everything happens for a reason.
You were put here for a purpose
You may know tomorrow or next season.
Your time has not run out
This is your wake up call
Take advantage with no doubts.
You are so loved and cared for
Your capabilities are endless.
Realize your strength and walk through this open door.
This is only the beginning.
Live each day as if it were your last.
Look into the future.
Don't dwell on the past 
Set your goals
Create you own quest 
Do what you love 
And fuck the rest.


Be true.
Yes that means real.
Be true.
To you and your loved ones too.
Be true.
Yes the opposite of false.
None of that fake mess.
Something more but nothing less.
Be true.
Hold nothing back.
Say how you truly feel.
Or else sad to say that's a quality you lack.
Be true for the better.
Be the best person you can be.
It just takes a little effort.
Until you've expanded your mind and grown like an old Oak tree.

Ironic Poem

So its been said our country's in a recession
Yet some still buyin' Hummers and diamonds
Where is the lesson?
Love and hate.
Composed of so many traits.
Happiness anger.
Joy and stress.
The two cause you to express.
Cause you to confess.
Passion is where they meet.
Brought together by feelings, stress, and worry of defeat.
Their differences are their similarities...this is a one way street.
The world before our very eyes has become so corrupt.
Hard work and dedication have lost their value.
We must interrupt.
Daily heroes going unrecognized.
Receiving next to no pay.
Hollywood stars being mesmorized
Gaining dollar bills in every shape, form, and way.
That's up to you to say.